Our Mission

In 2019, the UK Government and the devolved administrations committed to the Net Zero target as recommended by the Climate Change Committee. Reaching net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions requires extensive changes across the UK, Major infrastructure decisions need to be made in the near future and quickly implemented. These changes are unprecedented in their overall scale, but large-scale transitions have been achieved successfully in the UK before, such as the natural gas switchover in the 1970s or the switch to digital broadcasting in the 2000s.

EcoFit Uk are an organization designed and dedicated in aiding and enabling our government to fulfill the European agreed target of reaching net zero and carbon neutral footprint in all residential and commercial dwellings by 2050.  

Government backed schemes cover a variety of retrofit measures including the latest solar technology, an array of insulation methods, smart and alternative heating solutions. EcoFit UK are fully accredited and insured installer of these measures to PAS2030/35 standards as well as a registered member of the government endorsed quality scheme Trustmark.

The importance of greener living has an immeasurable positive impact across numerous areas both domestically and globally. The positive impact of greener living enables the UK to be more self-sufficient and sustainable, whilst being less reliant on other countries; this also plays a positive role in the wider international communities issue on tackling global warming and its impacts on the globe both practically and diplomatically. 

Greener living also has a progressive impact on a more personal and individual level, benefiting each and every one of us. Cleaner air means enhanced and more nutritious food production, healthier living and quality of life, reduction in pollution related health conditions, cheaper living costs and lower bills;  the list goes on…..